Engine Services


We can support our customers for all Engine engineering, records traceability, engine run analysis...

Our experts offer solutions for all engines.


Pre-buy inspection review

BSI, Engine history, LLP, AD, LDND overview,

To give you a general view of your engine


Full inspection review

Full review of engine records ( BSI,LLP, AD, SB, ETOPS, QEC inventory list, LDND, defect mapping, trend monitoring review. Consolidation of statuses.

To be serene during the re-delivery of your engine


Shop Visit Management/ workscope compilation -Overview- review

We adapt to your request, whether it is single or grouped, we do our utmost to satisfy you.


Engine Stand inspection / Engine degradation - Removal analysis

Anticipate a future removal of your engine , helping you anticipate your needs

Since 2020,  we tried to adapt us for all request.

To know more

Our Partner EOLE Aero can also provide airframe solution

Our partner EOLE Aéro, can also provide aircraft solution,

- Aircraft Transition Management

- Pre-Purchase Inspections

- Pre-Recovery Support

- Lease Survey Services

- Airlines and MRO Support

- Additional Services

Do not hesitate to contact them: sales@eole-aero.com


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